Unleashing Magical Worlds Has Begun!

Today’s the day! Balance of Seven’s first ever crowdfunding campaign!

So, why are we doing this? Because we want to continue supporting our amazing and talented authors and artists. We want their voices to be heard and their skills to be recognized. And frankly, we are not a huge company with loads of money to back the work we do.

Our central team does all the work on our free time.

  • Tod does formatting, bookkeeping, taxes, submits to awards and the library of congress, as well as keeping inventory in stock and sending out every book ordered from our online shop.
  • Ynes works tirelessly to keep our social media interesting so we can build our community and engage with our audience, as well as marketing, which includes marketing copy, book blurbs, press releases, and coaching authors for marketing and events.
  • Leo does the endless work it takes to bring submissions through the editorial process so we can put our authors’ works out into the world, which involves coordinating the many people involved.
  • I handle coordinating artists, and making sure we’re giving our creatives and our team the support they need while going through the intense process of what it takes to turn a manuscript into a book.
  • And on top of all of that, we’re authors ourselves.

All we’re asking for is what it will take to bring these four books into the world and cover the costs of all the fun perks we’re offering in our tiers. We’re a company that believes in giving our authors decent royalties and paying our artists, editors, and formatters/designers what they’re worth. Your contributions help us continue to make sure their voices will be heard.

To learn more about the books the crowdfunding campaign will be supporting, visit our Unleashing Magical Worlds page.

To learn more about the crowdfunding campaign and make your contribution today, visit our Unleashing Magical Worlds Indiegogo campaign page.

Charlene Templeman


Balance of Seven

Prevailing Against Long Odds: A Word on Our Plans

A sapling in a pair of hands. PD, image from https://unsplash.com/photos/x8ZStukS2PM

History is a potent and sometimes difficult teacher. As we forward our press’s operations in this historical moment, I find myself looking to history for lessons, and inspiration. And it seems, strangely, that I’ve found that inspiration closer to home than I’d have imagined.

Leslie Davis (1876-1960) was an American lawyer and diplomat of the early 20th century. In his role as US Consul in Harput– modern day Elazig, Turkey– he documented the Armenian Genocide as it happened, and helped shelter and save as many people as possible for as long as possible.

Assisting him in that work, as clerk and chief interpreter, was my great-grandfather, Harootune Pekmezian: a professor, lay preacher, and a college-educated person in an era when that was rare in the US, let alone in the late Ottoman Empire.

In reading Davis’ report on their work– published in 1989 as The Slaughterhouse Province– I’ve found that something about my great-grandfather’s work stands out to me in particular. While his world collapsed around him, he continued to teach, as seen in the excerpt below.

It was not simply a way of passing the time. Even while everything seemed to fall to pieces, my great-grandfather and the consul for whom he worked, understood that the seeds of another world needed planting and tending.

And here I am, 3 generations on, living proof that their work bore fruit.

A century after Mr. Davis and my great-grandfather saved lives and helped build futures, I am watching as my country, in one state after another, enacts genocidal laws against trans people, their right to healthcare, work, and in general to existence itself. Regrettably, Texas– where our press is currently based– is one such jurisdiction, which between laws that are already enacted, on the eve of being enacted, or are being put forth by the party in power, threaten our ability to continue to do business there.

But I feel that there is a measure of courage I draw from my great-grandfather’s example, when I consider that life, storytelling, education, all of it must go on, even in the face of genocidal rhetoric and policies. All of this is, in its own way, one form of taking a stand against this terrible tide.

To this end, Balance of Seven will soon move from being a Texas-based LLC to a Vermont-based LLC. In so doing we will continue to ensure our press’s ability to work, to advocate, to advertise, in a jurisdiction where local and state level laws protect our LGBTQ authors and staff. Our press began in Texas, and our solidarity remains with our LGBTQ colleagues and comrades there. This move is no fault of theirs, but is rather the work of one petty tyrant in the governor’s mansion, his legislative enablers, and the means through which they gerrymander electoral districts and suppress dissent.

As we handle the paperwork of this move behind the scenes, we will continue on our editorial schedule and in our book sales and convention appearances in the meantime. And our greater work will also continue, as we prioritize our authors and lift their voices.

While madmen destroy the world, we will plant the seeds of a kinder one to come– work I am proud to spearhead as this press’s managing director, and as Harootune Pekmezian’s great-granddaughter.

Meanwhile, there’s a battle to win, and we can prevail against long odds if we stand together. Come, let’s march on together.

In Solidarity,

Nyri A. Bakkalian, Ph.D.

Managing Director

A Word on AI

In light of recent developments in the publishing world,

With concern for our authors’ livelihoods and in the name of publishing ethics and protecting our authors’ means of self-expression, and

In the name of clarifying our stance as an organization amidst a growing situation that demands a statement:

We at Balance of Seven Press wish to state for the record that we will not publish anything using AI-generated material. While we understand that AI-assisted technology is a part of modern writing apps, there is a difference between the app catching spelling errors and the app writing your book or story for you.

Further, as AI-generated material necessarily relies on existing content– be it writing or art– and uses source material regardless of copyright status, we also wish to avoid plagiarism issues.

Our priority is our authors. We wish to lift their voices in a world that between its cruelty and now its flood of automatically generated prose, threatens to drown those voices out.

This, too, is how we keep the magic in publishing.

Help Us Forge a New Path

Hello, Readers– here’s a bit of an update and an appeal.

Balance of Seven is, as you know, realigning and preparing operations and plans now that our staff has grown. We will be launching a crowdfunding campaign soon for the costs of our upcoming books, but we have an extant campaign over on Patreon, by way of which Word Splurge runs. But the Patreon also funds our expenses and operations, and we’re coming up to a really important landmark. With another $3 a month, we will have the cost of all our subscriptions– URLs, SSL certificates, Canva, other such tools– covered. Then $50 more beyond that, and we’ll be in a position to start to pay our staff for their work.

WordSplurge is a fun time, and a good space in which I’ve gotten to meet wonderful folks writing a variety of projects and receive and offer support for bringing these stories to light. So please consider joining WordSplurge for $10/month at https://www.patreon.com/BalanceofSeven and help us continue to grow at the same time.

We appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your support, and for your friendship as we embark upon this next chapter!


Available for Preorder: “The Mountains Under Her Feet”

misty mountains

It’s nearly the end of January, and we at Balance of Seven have been hard at work in getting our new team organized, and getting all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed in growing from a two person to 6 person operation while continuing to move forward on the books you can expect from us this year.

But you know us: we charge into challenges and drive hard as we bring new books to light despite everything.

It’s who we are.

And so it is my distinct privilege to announce that Catherine Vance’s amazing novel The Mountains Under her Feet is available for preorder! This is an incredible story that I had the honor of working on as a historical consultant.

Mountains Under her Feet is a story of women facing incredible challenges, the travails of a rural community, the effects of intergenerational trauma, the impact of world-historical events on everyday people, and so much more. I am excited to see this book reach you all.

In the meantime, please join me in preordering your copy– US paperback preorder here, or ebook version via Itchio here. International paperback preorders, and ebook editions on other platforms, will be coming soon.

Announcing preorders for new novel The Mountains Under her Feet

And while you’re at it– drop Catherine a follow at https://www.instagram.com/bluemtns2sea/ and let her know you’re looking forward to this book!

More from us soon.


Bearing the Most, Bowing the Lowest

It has, in the fullness of time, come to me to be the new face of Balance of Seven Press, as its managing director, so I’d like to say a few words by way of introduction.


Once, in what increasingly feels like a lifetime ago, my first grownup job was as a font coder and messenger at a press in Beirut, Lebanon. My career has taken me through academe and libraries, but has brought me back, in a real sense, to where I began.

Transitions of any sort are a challenge, and involve some measure of uncertainty. But they are also an opportunity for new beginnings and still greater heights, if only we embrace that measure of uncertainty. We can rise to that challenge today.

I am Dr. Nyri A. Bakkalian, and I’m the new Managing Director of Balance of Seven. Some of you already know me as one of the press’s authors– I’ve participated in 3 of its anthologies; the press has also published two of my novels. To say I have a stake here is an understatement: I am living proof of how this press changes lives and trains up professionals.

When I began with Balance of Seven as an author, I was a new PhD graduate who suddenly had to reinvent herself in the face of a callous world and being overqualified or too risky for every job she applied for. All I had from which to build a new career was my writing, and I was worried about being the archetypal Starving Artist. Founder and outgoing CEO Ynes Freeman taught me how to think like a businesswoman even as I grew as a creative. In the years since then, I’ve become a successful freelance author, scholar, streamer, and podcaster, able to make this work my full time focus. I have also learned to constantly hone my understanding of project management, social media marketing, and bridge-building with individuals and organizations in and around the publishing and book selling industry. I am eager to bring that to bear in this new role.

It is gratifying that I am not alone. Tod Tinker will continue in being a central figure in the press’s operations. Several others from among our authors will be stepping up as well in a staff role. We come from a variety of backgrounds and bring a variety of skillsets, all of which will be instrumental in where we hope to take the press next. I will be better positioned to be my best as director with their help, and am humbled to work alongside them, for their presence will keep me honest in turn. There is a Japanese expression: minoru hodo atama o sagaru inaho kana 実るほど頭が下がる稲穂哉. The rice-stalk that bears the most, bows the lowest.

We have some fantastic new titles and projects coming your way this year, which you’ll be hearing about soon. We will also be improving how we get our books farther and into more hands, and further sharpening the ways in which we help our authors hone their skill at advocating for their own and each other’s works.

In short, we will all rise and be raised together.

So. Are you ready?


29 December 2022

Pride Month: Your Story Matters – Dr. Bakkalian

by Dr. Nyri A. Bakkalian

It matters, now more than ever, to uplift trans voices and read trans stories, and for us trans authors, to write those stories.

In Grey Dawn, we learn Chloë Parker Stanton’s view of the first day at the Battle of Gettysburg. On the second day, when the 20th Maine Regiment held the far left of the Union line, its situation was dire and its soldiers exhausted and out of ammunition. Its commander, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, took advantage of the courageous stand of friendly units beside his, and chose to advance rather than retreat, giving the fateful order of “Bayonet, forward!” His unit swung into action in a charge that drove off the Rebel onslaught and saved his position from being overrun.

Now is no time to retreat. Our lives are at stake, and if we are silent and passive now, those who would silence our voices forever will win.

Balance of Seven, as a trans-owned press, is committed. So, your stories matter. Together, we can win.

Bayonet, forward.

About the Author

Dr. Nyri A. Bakkalian is an Armenian American queer woman by birth and a military historian by training. She is proud to have called both the American and Japanese northeasts her home. She has produced nonfiction, fiction, and photography content for more than a dozen publications, as well as for Eisner Award-nominated author Magdalene Visaggio’s Kim & Kim. What’s her secret, you ask? Garlic and Turkish coffee (but really, mostly Turkish coffee). Come say hi to her on Twitter, Facebook, and Patreon at riversidewings.

About Grey Dawn

Grey Dawn is a tale of war, abolition, union, and women who forge ties that carry them from one life into the next. When the grey dawn breaks on a new era and a new cause, who can you trust to fight beside you?

Vermont Sci-Fi and Fantasy Expo

by Charleigh Brennan

Hi everyone!I wanted to update you all on how the Vermont Sci-Fi and Fantasy Expo went. In one word: Amazing!

In many words: I had so much fun. There were more booths than last year, I got to see some familiar faces from last year, and I made some really amazing new friends. I got to speak on a couple of panels. Both panels ran on both days, so I got to do them twice.

The “Creating a Character” panel was fun because I was on it with some of the same people I was on the panel with last year, and we got some really great questions. I mentioned the Brian Jacques Redwall series when someone asked about how to write non-human characters, which got another member of the audience really excited. She was so adorable and clearly read even more of the series than I have (it’s a fantastic series and I highly recommend it, btw.) There was another person who asked some fantastic questions, and when I talked to him later on, I was so impressed by the projects he was working on. I really hope to see him get published some day.

The second panel was “Mental Health and Gaming.” Anyone who knows me outside of my writing knows that mental health is my thing (or maybe my other thing. I have so many things.) The two other panelists were fantastic, and we had great discussions on how to utilize games to help treat things like trauma and mood disorders (both were developing therapeutic D&D style games) and we also talked about how games are a great place to practice positive cognitive and social skills in a low or no risk environment. They’re great for trying on personas and discovering sides of our identities that we don’t always get to safely explore in our day to day lives.

Someone randomly gave me a set of gaming dice with little pizzas in them (seriously cute dice!), I got to hang out with the sweetest therapy dog, I exchanged books with a fellow author, I bought some gorgeous wooden coasters, and I got to dress up, not in full cosplay, but in some fun costumey outfits.

I’m hoping to do more events, and if you know of any you’d like to see me at (and are within my budget, of course), let me know! I’m already in the process of looking at some library readings and may be looking at local renaissance faires or literary expos.

About the Author

Charleigh Brennan lives across the street from a cemetery. She’s grateful to have such quiet neighbors, as they give her plenty of time to be creative. Well, except when they get a little out of hand and knock items off her desk.

Charleigh has lived an unexpected life, veering off into odd and unexpected paths on more than one continent. She misses the temperate weather of her Northern California upbringing yet loves seeing actual seasons in her present home in New England. If only it didn’t snow for quite as long as it does. You can find Charleigh on Facebook page at charleighbrennanauthor.

About The Pizza-Pyre

Eighteen-year-old Josh Buckmilter knows what he wants: to level up his life. Go to college (+4 INT), get a steady job (+50 GOLD), and marry his dream girl, Harriet (+20 LUK). In other words, he wants a normal life, something he missed out on growing up.

But college is an epic boss battle he’s not ready for yet, not without some grinding. So while he saves money delivering pizzas in a car held together by duct tape and dreams, most of his thoughts center around gaming, pizza, and Harriet.

As far as Josh is concerned, pizza is a goddess and Harriet is her handmaiden. Much as he wants to, he can’t summon the courage to ask her out. But he’s not worried. With a little more grinding, he’s sure he’ll get there.

Until he gets a phone call that changes the game.

In his town, a long-abandoned mansion sits at the top of a hill. Kids sometimes sneak in with their friends for thrills, and it’s known as a frequent party spot for the high schoolers.

Only, it isn’t abandoned anymore. Word around town is, a glamorous young couple has moved in: beautiful, suave, and wealthy.

Most importantly, the new tenants are hungry.

And they’ve called for a pizza delivery boy.

PRESS RELEASE: Bringing Bolivar Peninsula to Houston


Bringing Bolivar Peninsula to Houston: Award-Winning Author Georgina Key to Sign Novel of Hope, Resilience at Blue Willow Bookshop

Houston, TX—Local author Georgina Key will be signing her award-winning book, Shiny Bits in Between, on May 21, 2022, at 1 PM at the Blue Willow Bookshop (www.bluewillowbookshop.com) in West Houston.

Winner of Best New Voice, Popular Fiction in the 2020 Kops-Fetherling International Book Awards and a Top 5 Finalist in the Author Elite Book Contest, Shiny Bits in Between casts a light on what it means to move forward after a life-changing tragedy. Set in both Houston and Bolivar Peninsula, Shiny Bits is a story of two women who regain their sense of self and hope through their connections with the Bolivar community.

“We’ve all been struggling during the past two years as we navigate our way through this pandemic. Always looking for those shiny bits in between the darkness is what keeps us going,” says Key.

Having relocated from her 1915 home in the historic Houston Heights to Houston’s historic Riverside Terrace neighborhood, Key’s commitment to preserving history through art remains at the forefront of her life. “Our house was built in the 1930s, and it was love at first sight for me. Places and respect for the lives of those who lived there are vital to me as both a writer and a lover of older homes and communities. My books center around this; whether they’re set in a remote community on the Texas Gulf Coast or in a small village in England, I write about places I know and love,” Key says. “Shiny Bits in Between is my love letter to Bolivar Peninsula.”

Blue Willow Bookshop, which will be hosting Key’s book signing, has been a community gem in West Houston since 1996. Named after the “blue willow” china pattern to reflect its comfortable, cozy feel, the bookshop is an intersection where local authors and readers connect.

“We love to connect readers and authors and are happy to welcome Georgina to the shop,” says Valerie Koehler, owner of the Blue Willow Bookshop.

“Living in COVID put a damper on travel and live events, but we’re back in full force now. It means so much to be sharing my story of resilience and transformation to a public audience for the first time in person. I’m a huge proponent of independent bookstores, and being represented by an independent press, Balance of Seven, it’s even more important to spread the word,” says Key.

For details on the Shiny Bits in Between live reading and signing, visit https://www.bluewillowbookshop.com/event/georgina-key-shiny-bits-between


Established in 2018, Balance of Seven, LLC, is a small independent press dedicated to keeping the magic in publishing. Our readers crave magic, and we aim to bring it to them by providing a platform for new voices and perspectives. We are owned and operated by a cis woman and a trans man: diversity and allyship are at the very core of our makeup. We bravely venture beyond genre; when publishing emerging voices, we find they often do not fit “inside the box.” Many of our books are award winning or #1 Amazon bestsellers, sometimes both. Come say hello to us and discover the book you didn’t know you loved at balanceofseven.com.

Reading is Magic Box – 40% of Each Purchase Supports Ukraine & Peace

by Sarah V. Hines

I wrote Hubris in a dark, bleak time in my life. I was dealing with unbearable struggles both inside and out. Hubris was a way to give a face to the pain and hopelessness that I battled with daily, as well as a discourse on the struggles humanity faced as a whole. I always meant for Hubris to be a statement to how difficult and yet how crucial it is to face the monsters that hold so much power over our everyday lives, who can act with impunity while innocent people pay the price.

We see a very real example of this in Ukraine today, as well as many places throughout modern history: the innocent people of a country must suffer, lives are sacrificed and courage is defined by everyday people’s resolve to stand up to face one madman’s ego and power. As the men and women of Ukraine—many of whom have never even served in the military—take on the monster whose power seems absolute, we see a struggle playing out in front of the world that has gone on for decades, sometimes with very little fanfare from our media. Today, we should recognize the horror and shame of invasions and occupations of people in Ukraine and around the world and stand strong in solidarity with those that fight for their right to exist.

In light of the invasion of Ukraine, I am honored to support Balance of Seven in their decision to donate 40% of all box sales to the charity Sunflower of Peace, who provides dire needed medical supplies to medics and doctors in Ukraine, saving lives when there is little time and resources to do so.

Our “Reading is Magic” box contains a copy of Hubris, as well as a handcrafted beanie, a handmade resin Libra pendant, a meditation for inner calm, and a holographic sticker drawn by yours truly. It is a great gift for readers in your life, as well as those that enjoy books about facing the monsters in the world. In these times, we need these folks more than ever.

About the Author

Sarah V. Hines was born in Ohio where she lived the first 17 years of her life before moving to Florida for a spell and then heading over to Washington, D.C. She is slowly working toward her bachelors in International Relations and Anthropology. She loves topics on fantasy, feminism and foreign policy. She also loves languages and is currently learning Russian, Spanish and Arabic. She is currently working on The Siren Tragedies Series, of which the first book, Hubris, will be published in April of 2022. Throughout the series, she combines various mythological themes to tell her stories.

About Hubris and the Reading is Magic Book Box

Telese’s yearning for freedom and Eric’s passion for knowledge bring them together in a dangerous alliance. They must challenge their old beliefs to bring together the warring Light and Dark Worlds, reveal magic to humans, and rally the Sirens against the father-leader who wrote their rules. Can Eric and Telese save humans and create a united, harmonious system of rule, or will the worlds they must align fall victim to their hubris?

40% of each purchase of the Reading is Magic Book Box will go to the Sunflower of Peace Foundation.

Each box contains:

  • A paperback copy of Hubris (The Siren Tragedies) – with signed bookplate
  • A hand-knitted “Read” cap
  • A “Saving the World One Page at a Time” 3” round holographic sticker
  • A handcrafted themed velvet charm bookmark
  • A “Find Your Balance” mantra card to help alleviate stress and heaviness
  • A sparkling indigo Libra (balance) charm, made of resin