A Word on AI

In light of recent developments in the publishing world,

With concern for our authors’ livelihoods and in the name of publishing ethics and protecting our authors’ means of self-expression, and

In the name of clarifying our stance as an organization amidst a growing situation that demands a statement:

We at Balance of Seven Press wish to state for the record that we will not publish anything using AI-generated material. While we understand that AI-assisted technology is a part of modern writing apps, there is a difference between the app catching spelling errors and the app writing your book or story for you.

Further, as AI-generated material necessarily relies on existing content– be it writing or art– and uses source material regardless of copyright status, we also wish to avoid plagiarism issues.

Our priority is our authors. We wish to lift their voices in a world that between its cruelty and now its flood of automatically generated prose, threatens to drown those voices out.

This, too, is how we keep the magic in publishing.

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