Available for Preorder: “The Mountains Under Her Feet”

misty mountains

It’s nearly the end of January, and we at Balance of Seven have been hard at work in getting our new team organized, and getting all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed in growing from a two person to 6 person operation while continuing to move forward on the books you can expect from us this year.

But you know us: we charge into challenges and drive hard as we bring new books to light despite everything.

It’s who we are.

And so it is my distinct privilege to announce that Catherine Vance’s amazing novel The Mountains Under her Feet is available for preorder! This is an incredible story that I had the honor of working on as a historical consultant.

Mountains Under her Feet is a story of women facing incredible challenges, the travails of a rural community, the effects of intergenerational trauma, the impact of world-historical events on everyday people, and so much more. I am excited to see this book reach you all.

In the meantime, please join me in preordering your copy– US paperback preorder here, or ebook version via Itchio here. International paperback preorders, and ebook editions on other platforms, will be coming soon.

Announcing preorders for new novel The Mountains Under her Feet

And while you’re at it– drop Catherine a follow at https://www.instagram.com/bluemtns2sea/ and let her know you’re looking forward to this book!

More from us soon.


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